Chien Staffordshire Bull Terrier Pome's World United colors
Pome's World Le mot de l'éleveur
Informations sur le chien
- Sexe
- Né le 15/04/2023
1 an et 11 mois
- Couleur
Fauve pan.blanc
- Puce
- Cotation
1 - Confirmé
Identifié compatible
Propriétaire et producteur
- Site du propriétaire et producteurPome's World
- Lieu
44 - Loire Atlantique
Les parents

Ses titres
- TAN 25/25
Ses résultats
- 1er EXC + RCAC + Réserve Best Dog
23/3/2025 à Tiel (Pays-Bas)
Classe intermédiaire "23 months, stunning red dog with a white chest. Beautiful headshape. Nice dark round eye. Lovely rose ear. Dark mask, perfect scissors bite. Good width to the front. Well bone, tight feet. Well muscled shoulder. Good rear angulations. Moved with drive across the floor and handled very well."
Manifestion : Exposition de Club - Juge : Marc DAVIES (Sebsonic UK)
- 1er EXC
15/12/2024 à Nantes (44)
Classe intermédiaire
Manifestion : CACIB + Spéciale de race - Juge : J. BYRNES (LACKYLE - Irl)
30/11/2024 à Château Gontier (53)
Manifestion : Exposition Nationale* Spéciale Staffordshire Bull - Juge : Henri BOUILLAULT
- 2ème EXC + RCACJ
13/7/2024 à Maltot (14)
Classe jeune mâle/7
Manifestion : RE - Juge : Terry WOOD (IR - Bultery)
- 1st
29/6/2024 à Windsor (UK)
Junior Class/91st Pome's World United ColorsSmart red dog with white chest that oozes breed type. He has a typical head shape which is strong but nice for his age. He has correct eye placement and eyes are also nice and dark. Distinct stop and dark muzzle with plenty of under jaw. Correct ear carriage when used finish off a nice expression. Good pigmentation on him. His body is short and compact with the right amount of weight to give off a nice balanced look. Strong short neck, shoulders correct, his front true with the desired width and depth and substance of bone. Feet tight with dark short nails and well-padded with strong pasterns. He shows ample rib for his age and topline is level. Short coupled, he has enough angulation on the rear and hindquarters are developing well for age. His condition was excellent with a short coat and nice amount of muscle tone. He was moved and handled very well. I considered him for RCC, should do well as he matures.
Manifestion : Champ. Show - Juge : Shaun STONE (UK - Ashbull)
- 3rd place
8/6/2024 à Malvern (UK)
Junior Class/9
Manifestion : Championship Dog Show - Juge : Pete Hopgood (UK - Antroboss)
- 1st
5/5/2024 à Fleetwood (UK)
Junior Class/10
Manifestion : Champ. Show - Juge : Kerry WILLIAMS (Regalbull)
- 2nd place
7/4/2024 à Leigh (UK)
Puppy class /5"2nd. Latallerie & Chaine?s, Pome?s World united colors, Another nicely balanced young red dog with white chest, with good pigmentation, clean head with a lovely expression, good bite,straight front up on his toes, Holding a lovely profile, moved and handled very well."
Manifestion : Champ. Show - Juge : Michelle MURPHY (Brockmar)
- 3rd Place
6/4/2024 à Stafford (UK)
Puppy Class /12
Manifestion : Champ. Show - Juge : Dave MANITO (Dynastaff)